Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Week Is Upon Us

     Time, as usual, is moving far to quickly this time of year and I seem to be getting farther behind by the minute.  I don't know how your time goes but if you have any to spare I will be glad to take it off your hands.  

     Ginia and I have just updated the web page to include a new page for Antique Stitching Tools.  So far we only the have scissors up but will be adding other items also.  If you want to take a look click here .
     Just for fun I want to share some of the pieces that we have gotten back from the finisher.

     Our Holiday hours will be as follow:

  • December 24 Closed
  • Christmas Day Closed 
  • December 31 from 9 am to 12 pm
  • January 1st Closed
     All of us at Stitcher's Treasures want to wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We look forward to serving you in 2015.

                                                             Happy Stitching;


Friday, December 5, 2014

What's New At Stitcher's Treasures


      I received an email from the distributor of The Sampler and Antique Needlework magazine. As of January they will be adding 16 more pages and a new style of cover. They will also be raising the price to $9.99 per issue.
     We received the new kits from Lizzie Kate today and the next part of  Things Unseen.  I will be getting the new charts  to those who subscribed tomorrow.  Lizzie Kate also has the new kit Jingle All the Way which includes the finishing fabric, chart, stitching fabric and embellishments for on $20.00.  Click here to see it.
    Go to our Facebook page.  We are running a special for the first 200 of you that comment on the post. 
     I am just about done decorating the shop for Christmas and the Shop Decorations page has also be updated.  The girls have told me we already have had passersby's coming in to purchase them.  Sorry they are from my private collection and here for all of our enjoyment.
     We are thinking of doing the Hanukkah club from NeedleDeeva.  Anyone interested . . .? Please email us as we have to order these in advance.  

     Other items that are upcoming are the Raymond Crawford Halloween Train and the Patchwork of Peace will be starting in January.  In February we will be doing Blue Carnation Bargello that is in the Nov./Dec. 2014 Needlepoint Now Magazine.  You can see the updated model on our WIP.
Happy Stitching,


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We wanted to take the time to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.  We hope that all of you have a wonderful day with your friends and family.
I also wanted to give you an update on what was happening after Thanksgiving.  On Friday typically we have celebrated with a stitch day and a potluck of leftovers.  This is our Stitching Families Thanksgiving.  Come and join us if you like.  We don't want interrupt your Black Friday fun for those of you who can brave that.

Small Business Saturday we will be having or own celebration. We will be offering a discount of 20% off of all Holiday Charts and Needlepoint.  If you kit up the project we will give you and additional 5% off.  If you spend over $40 we have a special gift for you.  
Above that we will be stitching so you can start you project right then ad there, if you like.


Our Holiday and Event Hours will be as follows:

November 27 ~ closed
November 28 ~ 10 am to 5 pm ~ open for stitching
November 29 ~ 10 am to 5 pm ~ open for stitching
December   6 ~ 10 am to 5 pm ~ open for stitching

The table in the back room is always open if you need to escape for a bit to finish projects or just get away.

December 24 ~ 10 am to 2 pm
December 25 ~ closed 
December 31 ~ 10 am to 2 pm
January     1  ~ closed

We hope you can join us for the holiday festivities.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Ghosties and Ghoulies have left and on to Turkey Time

      The newest Lizzie Kate Mystery Sampler Part 1  has arrived and I can hardly wait to start mine. Of course, there is also all the new Just Nan which is also very enticing.  I am including pictures for you in case you haven't seen them. 

Things Unseen by Lizzie Kate

Peace on Earth by Just Nan

Gingerbread Garden Cube by Just Nan

Gingerbread Angel Mouse

Ginger Holly Man

     I hope you can see why I am so torn as to what to stitch next.  As if there is not enough in my stash that I couldn't find something to stitch.  These are only a drop in the bucket as to what is new in the shop.  Make sure you check out the web page for all the new things and the Works in Progress page so you can see what others are working on.  I think that is always very interesting.  If you ever want to show off what you are working on, just send us a picture and we will be happy to add it to the WIP page.

     The new Needlepoint Now and Sampler & Antique Needlework  Quarterly magazine are also out and there are several items in them that are calling my name.  As we are planning on teaching the Raymond Crawford Halloween Train after the first of the year, the Needlepoint Now magazine is a must.   Nancy will be teaching it and has put some of her spins and loving touches on it.  Please let us know if you will be joining us, so that we can order enough canvases and keep the stitch guides that are being published in the Needlepoint Now magazine. 

     I will be teaching the Patchwork of Peace by Mary Clark Donegan.  I have been having lots of fun stitching all the parts to it   This is a wonderful place to use your stash of red, white and blue.  I have found that it has also made me do a bit of organizing so that I have all those colors in the same location, boy was that a job.  I have had several people ask how long does it take to do a square and I have found that it is about 30 to 45 minutes which includes the picking of the threads, which is the hardest part.

     We have a new page on the web site Shop Decorations.  This way you can visit the shop virtually to how we celebrate.
    Now I am off to stitch and enjoy my Friday because I have to work this Saturday.   Since Saturday is my normal day off, I am going to try and stitch today.

                                                                                      Keep Stitching,




Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Upcoming Days At Stitcher's Treasures

     Since October is here tomorrow I thought it would be a good idea to let you know what will be happening in the upcoming month.
  1. Saturday, October 4th is our  Sampler Saturday.  Needless o say we are not very strict on what you stitch.  There are many descriptions for samplers and we will not judge what you want to consider a sampler.
  2. October 11th is our Stitch Day.  We, early birds, meet for breakfast at 8:30 am at the Golden Egg Omelet House and then on to the shop for stitching.  If you don't want to join us for breakfast we usually arrive at the shop just before opening at 10am.  We stitch until around 4:30pm.  It is a fun day of enjoyable conservation and stitching.
  3. October 18th is Nancy's Everything Class.  Nancy is here to help with all your stitching needs.  She can suggest threads and stitches to enhance you canvas.  Just need a bit of  help well this is the day to get undivided attention from a very wonderful teacher.  She is a very knowledgeable stitcher and is always willing to share that knowledge.
  4. October 25th is usually Dorothy's class but since she is unable to come down this weekend I will be teaching a piece that has 249 stitches in it.  A wonderful piece to learn onIt is called  Patchwork of Peace.   It is a flag and a good way to use up all the red, white and blue stash threads.  If you want to see a picture of the finished project on the class page.  Here is a link to it http://www.stitcherstreasures.com/mainpages/classes.htm.      
     The new Just Nan items should be arriving in the next few days.  If you haven't had a chance to see the go to out New Arrivals page and there is a slide show of the her new items and many others.

I'm including information about the new Lizzie Kate Mystery starting Nov. 3rd.  This kit will include the charts for 3 months and a bonus designs, threads and fabric.  The kit with the 28ct linen or 32ct linen the cost would be $78.70 and on 14ct or 16ct aida would be $72.20.  The design size is approx. 10.25 x 2.75 inches, there will be 3 inches on all sides.  There are 14 skeins of  Weeks Dye Works and one skein to be dyed just for this design and a very special embellishment pack. The additional release dates are Dec. 1st and Jan. 3rd.  If you want to participate let me know so that I order enough to cover everyone, I am including a couple pictures.

     I will be out of the shop the weekend of October 10th to the 13th as my grandson, Joshua is getting baptized and Jerry and I will be attending.  Beth will be here to help you with any of your needs. 
                                                                                     Happy Stitching,




Friday, September 19, 2014

Website Updates

The website has been updated to include a movie on the What's New page of the new items in the shop.  There are also new pictures on the WIP page of what is being stitched at the shop by clients.

Just Nan has just put out their September releases and here are some pictures for you.  They will be available after September 29th, but you can pre-order them if you like.  Here are the pictures of the new items.

There are many other new items many of them Halloween and Christmas.  Giving you time enough to stitch them for next year. 
I personally finished the Holiday Wreath by Laura Perin.  You can find a picture on our Facebook page.  If you go to our face book page and "Like" us we will give you a 15% discount on anything except hand dyed fabrics in the shop.  This offer is good from now till the September 27th. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014



Psst! I have a Secret

          A little birdie told me that the new Needlepoint Now magazine is going to have Raymond Crawford Halloween Train is going to be featured, with a stitch guide.  We had been contemplating doing this piece as a class, so here is a perfect opportunity for that.  Anyone of you who want to join in on this please let me know as I will be ordering the canvas by mid September.  Make sure you sign up if you want to be included in this.  If you don't live in the area we will be more than happy to provide you with canvas, magazine and the threads.  I don't have a complete cost yet.  The cost for the kit minus stretcher bars and teaching fee is $135.00.  Here is a picture of the three cars.

     The finishing dates for delivery before Christmas are ornaments, pillows and stand-up October 1st and stocking October 15th.

     I was given a link to a free chart from DMC and thought that you might like it.
Click here  for the link.

     The newest information about what is new in the shop for cross stitch in on the

     I have just about finished my Holiday Wreath by Laura Perrin.

      We are interested to know what you would like in the way of classes.  So if you have any ideas let us know. Things that you would like to do in the Spring.  That gives us time to get prepared.

     That's it for now.  I have the itch to stitch.

                                                          Happy Stitching



Friday, August 29, 2014



Happy Labor Day


     We will be closed on Monday, September 1st to observe Labor Day.  For me,  I plan on stitching all day, if I can get away with it.


                                   Happy Stitching,



Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sale, Sale, Sale

     In clearing out things in the back room we found some Mill Hill items that we are no longer carrying and/or have been discontinued.  This means savings for you.  You will be able to find these SALE items on the Mill Hill Page.  We also have put some of the previous volumes of Sampler and Antique Needlework magazines on special .  If you have missed any of these and need them to complete your collection make sure you do it soon as they are limited to quantities on hand. 
     We have finished the official class for the Poinsettia but will still be stitching on this piece with Nancy.  Do remember though that this is an exclusive design to Stitcher's Treasures and it can be purchased anytime that you would like.  We offer a personalization on this piece for you as far as the size of the canvas and the color way that you prefer.

     The dates for finishing any Christmas Ornaments, Stand-ups and pillows is October 15th and for Christmas Stocking is October 31st.  Remember the sooner you get them to me the sooner they will be back for you to enjoy during the Holidays. 

     I know that this sounds like a long way off but we will be offering in February the Puzzle Purse by Jean Hilton.  This is another design that can be personalized to you.  It does not have to be finished as a purse  I have included a could of pictures for you.

     The fibers for this class consists of DMC #8, Anchor #8, Kreinik Metallics, Rainbow Gallery, Mill Hill Beads and a few miscellaneous other fibers.  But as you all know, you can substitute all kinds of different fibers to fit your color and texture scheme.

     The Book and initial Class fee is $65.00 and additional class meetings will be $30.00 per class.  Again the fibers that you choose will determine the cost of your materials.



     For those of you with children, with school starting I hope you will be able to get back to your stitching.  Summer time always seems to take away from the pleasure of stitching.  There is so much to do and just not enough hours in the day to complete all the things we have to do but make sure you that give yourself some down time, too.  Taking care of yourself is just as important as talking care of others.  For if you aren't there or can't, who will take care of them?

     Well I am off to take some of that stitching time for myself.  Talk to you soon.

                                            Happy Stitching,


Friday, August 15, 2014

Summer is Almost Over

     I can't believe that we are in the middle of August and our school teachers are headed back to the classroom to get ready for their students.  Time is just slipping away faster all the time.  Maybe the time has gone so fast because I have had a very busy summer with a family reunion and my granddaughter coming and visiting with us for 2 weeks.

     For those of you who need a nice gift or if you know of someone who is looking for something stitched and doesn't stitch, we have some items in the shop on consignment.  They are framed and ready to go.  I have put them on the website so you can see them. (click here

    Nancy is teaching this weekend. So make sure if you need help on any of you Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas items please feel free to attend.  We want to make sure that you get those items done in time for the upcoming Holidays.  

    Dorothy will be here on the 23rd of this month for the continuation of the Poinsettia class.  For those of you that missed the first class you can still get in on this beautiful project. 


     I have just about finished the Halloween Town from Alessandra Adelaide and  here is an updated picture of my Holiday Wreath.

     I have to admit that I did make a color change on he red package on the right.  Instead of using ribbon floss for one of the reds I used very velvet, petite.  This is a really fun project and since I have only been working on it when I am at the shop I get itchy to get to the shop to work on it.
     The works in project page has been updated with new pieces from our stitching friends.  Please take a look and see what others are working on.
                                                           Happy Stitching,

Friday, August 8, 2014

What are you Working on? 

Whenever anyone comes to visit the shop, one of the most asked questions is "What you are you working on?"  After that is "Which do you prefer cross stitch or needlepoint?"  These are usually not easy questions to answer because I like to work on multiple projects.  For instance,  right now I am working on the Mystery Halloween Town from Alessandra Adelaide and also doing the Poinsettia class piece, the Independence Inn by Laura Perrin and a stitch along here at the shop, Holiday Wreath by Laura Perrin.  So as you see I have many more things to stitch than I have time to work on!  None of the above include any UFO's and boy are there a lot of those.


So lets have some fun! Go to our Facebook Page and post what you are working on.

Just Nan has announced her August release and I have already placed my order.  Here are the new items.

For those of you who missed out on the Limited Edition Oakley Owlet, Just Nan found a few more and we have ordered some of those.
Stitcher's Treasures also offers a variety of classes.  The Poinsettia, that is shown above, is one that we just started and you can still join us if you like.  We also have some on-going classes for those of you that have done any of Nancy's Pieces and those that just need help with picking stitching and "how to" questions. Here are some examples of the pieces being worked on in Nancy's Class.  Shown are the various Seasonal Houses and how some of us have chosen to do them, as well as Picollo's Stocking. Both of these designs are available to start whenever you want to join us.

On non-class Saturdays we still have an active class room.  On the first Saturday we do a stitch along which is where we are working on the Holiday Wreath.  The second Saturday is our All Day Stitch where we start early and stay till closing!

One of my fellow stitchers, Lenora Goodliffe, just came in and told me that she has multiple PHDs..  I congratulated her and then she explained that she had one in Needlepoint, Cross Stitch and Hardanger.  As I look at her a bit puzzled she gave me this, Projects Half Done.  So now we all have many degrees.


             Happy Stitching,

Friday, July 18, 2014

So Many New Stitching Pieces
and Here is something fun!

     I am drowning in so much stash and there are so many new pieces I want to stitchI imagine that I am not the only one with this dilemma.  Also which to do needlepoint, hardanger, or cross stitch.  So many decision so little time, and then there is life.  Can I please just stitch and drop off the life stuff?

     I found these while I was doing a bit of surfing on the internet.  I was so excited because it is one more way to display our needlework.  Here is a picture of my find.

     The on the left is of a completed lamp.  I have chosen to get my own shade.  Your piece of  work is attached to the spool with an adhesive that is already on the base. I personally would back my work before mounting it.

    If you want a shade they are  also  available and it too can have a piece of needlework attached.

     I have purchase the lamps for the shop, if any of you are interested they are $18.00, fully assembled and the wooden part of the lamp is stained in a medium oak color.

     Well it is time to go and stitch.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late!

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late!
OMG it's July and Christmas is only 167 days away

Summer means we have even less time to get those Christmas Gift projects started!

Plus there are those Thanksgiving projects that we only need a few last items for... 

Time to pull those UFO's back out – or get a new project going FAST if you want to have it for this year!

Oh, and don’t forget Halloween – EEK!

It’s All Coming Way to Fast!
I don't want to be 'Dora the Downer' but I certainly don't want it to creep up on you any quicker.  I know I have been thinking a lot about the Halloween projects I would like to have finished for this year.  Then, of course, the Just Cross Stitch Halloween Special just arrived and you can't believe how many wonderful pieces are packed into this edition.  So many choices and certainly not enough time!
As for Thanksgiving and Christmas well that is another story.  We are stitching Laura Perin's Holiday Wreath as a stitch along .  If you want to join in let us know.  Here is a picture of the Wreath.
The Needlepoint Now Magazine has also arrived and it is chocked full of all kinds of wonderful stitches. 

Time to get back to stitching.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Magnets, Magnets, and Magnets, Oh My!

Magnets, Magnets, and Magnets Oh My!

     We have more magnets, see below.
(click on picture to order)

See anything you like let us know.

     I have some very exciting news on a personal note.  I am a Grandma again.  Joshua William was born on Monday the 24th.  He is the son of my son and daughter-in-law.  Joshua weighed in at 7lbs
8oz and 19 1/4" long.  This is the second grandson of 7 grandchildren.  It is very ironic that the oldest and the youngest are the boys, 22 years apart.  God has blessed us again. 

Talk to you soon,



Thursday, March 20, 2014

We are Magnetic!

We have decided to become a magnet shop.  We have many new styles of magnets for you to choose from.  The website has been updated with all the pictures and prices of our current selection - MORE are due in next week.  We have one to fit all of your every stitching need or interest.  Many are strong enough to hold you scissors securely.
Bohin is offering some new scissors.  They are 4 1/3" scissors and come in several colors.  We are taking pre-orders for these.  There are 6 colors and will sell for $32.50.  The colors are an epoxy applied to the metal.  I have included a picture so you can see the colors.

Just a quick reminder, we will be closed this Friday and Saturday.  I am sorry for the conflict in schedules, but things happen in life that sometimes we just can't control.

On a more personal note, on Monday the 24th I will become a grandmother again.  My son and daughter-in-law will be presenting our family with a little boy. We are all very excited with anticipation of this gift from God. 

Our shop mascot, Reba, turned a year old on the 17th.  So she and St. Patrick have something to share but I don't let her drink beer. 

I have started on the second part of the new Alessandra Adelaide's Halloween Town Mystery and waiting for the 1st installment of the new Passione Ricamo 20th Anniversary Mystery.  I am also working on my Summer House and a hardanger piece.  Please don't ask how many others are calling my name, because I have lost count.  

I have been working on my stitching room at home and I think that I am making progress.  I am sharing it with Brandi, our adopted cat.  I don't see her very often as she is not sure she belongs here and is very good at hiding, unless she is hungry.  Typical child whether human or furry, lol.

Well if I want to keep up with my stitching I better get off of this computer and stitch.

Happy Stitching


Friday, March 14, 2014

Need a Spring Thing?

Just Nan has just notified us of the new charts for spring.  They are Bunny Shower, Lorelie Lamb, and Rhyme and Reason.  You can see the on the website at http://stitcherstreasures.com/mainpages/new_arrivals.htm .  But just to peak your interest here is the picture of Rhyme and Reason.

JN272 Rhyme & Reasons

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Urgent Message - Schedule Change

I am sorry to say but we have had a conflict in our schedule and the shop will be closed on Friday, March 21st and Saturday the 22nd. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Needlepoint Now Magazine and Kreinik Announcement

We have received the March/April 2014 Needlepoint Now Magazine.  As always, there are some wonderful pieces with stitch suggestions to make them that much better.  I noticed a 3-dimensional Owl that I think would be a fun stitch-along.  I am checking on the prices now and will let you know.

Kreinik has announced that they will be cutting back on the manufacturing of certain colors.  Please note I did not say discontinuing.  They will be only producing in lots of 25 per color when they have orders that reach that amount   So to paraphrase when they are out of one of these colors they will not produce anymore until they have 25 orders for that particular color.  Also please note that these are older colors that they have not had a big demand for.  Here is  list of the colors that are effected.

In sizes  #4, 8, 12, 16, 24 and 32 Braids plus 1/16" and 1/8" ribbons:

034 Confetti
041 Confetti Pink
042 Confetti Fuchsia
043 Confetti Green
070 Madi Gras
195 Sunburst
235 Red Ember
271 Plum
308 Colonial Red
393 Silver Night
664 Magenta Blue
3240 Opal
3508 Rhumba Green
3509 Cha Cha Verde
3540 Bolero Black
4002 Spice Chai
4003 Ginseng Gold
4004 Earl Grey
4006 Rosehip
5002 Pixiedust
5004 Love Potion
5007 Brocade
5008 Leprechaun
5525 Lemon
5530 Rosemary Green
9300 Orchid
2094HL Heather Hi Luster
056F Blueberry
057F Grape
003C Red Corded
005C Black Corded
007C Pink Corded
008C Green Corded
011C Nickel Corded
012C Purple Corded
032C Pearl Corded
034C Confetti Corded
041C Confetti Pink Corded
051C Sapphire Corded
104C Colonial Gold Corded
208C Wine Corded
225C Slate Corded
088C Lily Pond Corded

There are a few that are being discontinued and they are 4002.4003, 4004, 4006, 056F, and 057F.   When there are gone there will be now more. 

Well that is all for now.  Time to go and stitch.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday Stitch Along

     Today in the rain and blustery weather seven of us got together at the shop to stitch on SAL and class projects.  It was extremely relaxing and so much fun.  We laughed, stitched and just truly enjoyed ourselves. 

     Dan, from Las Vegas, stopped by and joined us. He has started a new Facebook Page to post your projects.  That is a really get place to share you WIPS and finishes.  Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/630749366974464/ .  It is called Show-N-Tell Stitch.  He just started it so give it a chance. I will be posting some of the things I have been working on. Please share this information with your fellow stitchers.

     One of the pieces that I have been working on is the "Patchwork of Peace".  This is a older piece but a fun stitch and very educational.  I finally acquired more of the books.  It has 249 illustrated stitches and an index of where these stitches can be used.  Here is a picture of the book.

     There are lots of new Spring Charts out.  I have been making some selections for the shop.  I do hope that you get by to see.  Also don't forget that now is a good time to start on those fall./winter 2014 projects.
     Well I am off to do some more stitching on my flag.