Thursday, March 20, 2014

We are Magnetic!

We have decided to become a magnet shop.  We have many new styles of magnets for you to choose from.  The website has been updated with all the pictures and prices of our current selection - MORE are due in next week.  We have one to fit all of your every stitching need or interest.  Many are strong enough to hold you scissors securely.
Bohin is offering some new scissors.  They are 4 1/3" scissors and come in several colors.  We are taking pre-orders for these.  There are 6 colors and will sell for $32.50.  The colors are an epoxy applied to the metal.  I have included a picture so you can see the colors.

Just a quick reminder, we will be closed this Friday and Saturday.  I am sorry for the conflict in schedules, but things happen in life that sometimes we just can't control.

On a more personal note, on Monday the 24th I will become a grandmother again.  My son and daughter-in-law will be presenting our family with a little boy. We are all very excited with anticipation of this gift from God. 

Our shop mascot, Reba, turned a year old on the 17th.  So she and St. Patrick have something to share but I don't let her drink beer. 

I have started on the second part of the new Alessandra Adelaide's Halloween Town Mystery and waiting for the 1st installment of the new Passione Ricamo 20th Anniversary Mystery.  I am also working on my Summer House and a hardanger piece.  Please don't ask how many others are calling my name, because I have lost count.  

I have been working on my stitching room at home and I think that I am making progress.  I am sharing it with Brandi, our adopted cat.  I don't see her very often as she is not sure she belongs here and is very good at hiding, unless she is hungry.  Typical child whether human or furry, lol.

Well if I want to keep up with my stitching I better get off of this computer and stitch.

Happy Stitching


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