Friday, August 29, 2014



Happy Labor Day


     We will be closed on Monday, September 1st to observe Labor Day.  For me,  I plan on stitching all day, if I can get away with it.


                                   Happy Stitching,



Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sale, Sale, Sale

     In clearing out things in the back room we found some Mill Hill items that we are no longer carrying and/or have been discontinued.  This means savings for you.  You will be able to find these SALE items on the Mill Hill Page.  We also have put some of the previous volumes of Sampler and Antique Needlework magazines on special .  If you have missed any of these and need them to complete your collection make sure you do it soon as they are limited to quantities on hand. 
     We have finished the official class for the Poinsettia but will still be stitching on this piece with Nancy.  Do remember though that this is an exclusive design to Stitcher's Treasures and it can be purchased anytime that you would like.  We offer a personalization on this piece for you as far as the size of the canvas and the color way that you prefer.

     The dates for finishing any Christmas Ornaments, Stand-ups and pillows is October 15th and for Christmas Stocking is October 31st.  Remember the sooner you get them to me the sooner they will be back for you to enjoy during the Holidays. 

     I know that this sounds like a long way off but we will be offering in February the Puzzle Purse by Jean Hilton.  This is another design that can be personalized to you.  It does not have to be finished as a purse  I have included a could of pictures for you.

     The fibers for this class consists of DMC #8, Anchor #8, Kreinik Metallics, Rainbow Gallery, Mill Hill Beads and a few miscellaneous other fibers.  But as you all know, you can substitute all kinds of different fibers to fit your color and texture scheme.

     The Book and initial Class fee is $65.00 and additional class meetings will be $30.00 per class.  Again the fibers that you choose will determine the cost of your materials.



     For those of you with children, with school starting I hope you will be able to get back to your stitching.  Summer time always seems to take away from the pleasure of stitching.  There is so much to do and just not enough hours in the day to complete all the things we have to do but make sure you that give yourself some down time, too.  Taking care of yourself is just as important as talking care of others.  For if you aren't there or can't, who will take care of them?

     Well I am off to take some of that stitching time for myself.  Talk to you soon.

                                            Happy Stitching,


Friday, August 15, 2014

Summer is Almost Over

     I can't believe that we are in the middle of August and our school teachers are headed back to the classroom to get ready for their students.  Time is just slipping away faster all the time.  Maybe the time has gone so fast because I have had a very busy summer with a family reunion and my granddaughter coming and visiting with us for 2 weeks.

     For those of you who need a nice gift or if you know of someone who is looking for something stitched and doesn't stitch, we have some items in the shop on consignment.  They are framed and ready to go.  I have put them on the website so you can see them. (click here

    Nancy is teaching this weekend. So make sure if you need help on any of you Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas items please feel free to attend.  We want to make sure that you get those items done in time for the upcoming Holidays.  

    Dorothy will be here on the 23rd of this month for the continuation of the Poinsettia class.  For those of you that missed the first class you can still get in on this beautiful project. 


     I have just about finished the Halloween Town from Alessandra Adelaide and  here is an updated picture of my Holiday Wreath.

     I have to admit that I did make a color change on he red package on the right.  Instead of using ribbon floss for one of the reds I used very velvet, petite.  This is a really fun project and since I have only been working on it when I am at the shop I get itchy to get to the shop to work on it.
     The works in project page has been updated with new pieces from our stitching friends.  Please take a look and see what others are working on.
                                                           Happy Stitching,

Friday, August 8, 2014

What are you Working on? 

Whenever anyone comes to visit the shop, one of the most asked questions is "What you are you working on?"  After that is "Which do you prefer cross stitch or needlepoint?"  These are usually not easy questions to answer because I like to work on multiple projects.  For instance,  right now I am working on the Mystery Halloween Town from Alessandra Adelaide and also doing the Poinsettia class piece, the Independence Inn by Laura Perrin and a stitch along here at the shop, Holiday Wreath by Laura Perrin.  So as you see I have many more things to stitch than I have time to work on!  None of the above include any UFO's and boy are there a lot of those.


So lets have some fun! Go to our Facebook Page and post what you are working on.

Just Nan has announced her August release and I have already placed my order.  Here are the new items.

For those of you who missed out on the Limited Edition Oakley Owlet, Just Nan found a few more and we have ordered some of those.
Stitcher's Treasures also offers a variety of classes.  The Poinsettia, that is shown above, is one that we just started and you can still join us if you like.  We also have some on-going classes for those of you that have done any of Nancy's Pieces and those that just need help with picking stitching and "how to" questions. Here are some examples of the pieces being worked on in Nancy's Class.  Shown are the various Seasonal Houses and how some of us have chosen to do them, as well as Picollo's Stocking. Both of these designs are available to start whenever you want to join us.

On non-class Saturdays we still have an active class room.  On the first Saturday we do a stitch along which is where we are working on the Holiday Wreath.  The second Saturday is our All Day Stitch where we start early and stay till closing!

One of my fellow stitchers, Lenora Goodliffe, just came in and told me that she has multiple PHDs..  I congratulated her and then she explained that she had one in Needlepoint, Cross Stitch and Hardanger.  As I look at her a bit puzzled she gave me this, Projects Half Done.  So now we all have many degrees.


             Happy Stitching,