I have been having fun getting the shop decorated for Halloween. Here are a few pictures so you can enjoy since you might not be able to visit.

I hope I am not jumping the gun, but I wanted to let you know of the upcoming events that we are panning..

I hope I am not jumping the gun, but I wanted to let you know of the upcoming events that we are panning..
- Halloween Pot Luck - This is a normal stitch day for us so let's make it fun. If you will be coming to stitch with us please let me know if you will be participating. We would love to have all the bases covered so if you could let us know that you plan on bringing that would be great. For those of you what can't come and join us you can join in on the fun. We will have all Halloween charts and canvases on sale for 20% off
- Thanksgiving we stitch and eat on both Friday and Saturday. We all bring left overs and just have fun. For those of you who remember that was our Alex weekend. Sadly we don't have that special time with our friend/teacher but we hold onto those special memories. But a happy note for me it is my birthday. So I guess that equals some of it out
- We will be having a Christmas party at the shop, December 12th, details to be announced.
- January 23rd & 24th we will be have a special event, so mark your calendar. I will be releasing more information as we get all the details worked out.
The new Just Nan pieces should be arriving next week. Here are the pictures.

If you want one call and get added to the list, you don't miss out. The Reindeer Mouse is a limited edition. What cute ornaments these would make on your Christmas tree.

If you want one call and get added to the list, you don't miss out. The Reindeer Mouse is a limited edition. What cute ornaments these would make on your Christmas tree.
Happy Stitching.