Friday, January 30, 2015

Antique Sewing Items & More

     Well things are starting to get back to normal after a nasty cold.  It is still not completely gone but I am feeling so much better than I was.  

     For those of you who are collectors of antique needlework items I would like you to know that we do have some available for you.  There is a new page up on the web site that shows the antiques items.  They are fun and for those of you who love to do samplers they are wonderful pieces to add to your displays.  They are also usable in you daily stitching lives.   I am a scissor collector and love to have antique scissors to use.  There are other items also available other than scissors, i.e. stanhopes needle holders, stilettos, measuring tapes with stanhopes and thimble
cases.  Not all the items are up on the site but we are working on it,  so stay tuned.

    Here is what else is new:

  • We have some canvases that have been marked down 50% and they are available on the web site
  • We have replenished our stock on many threads
  • Canvases and other items are arriving from the show daily
  • Two new clubs are starting click here to see.  Please call to sign up.
   Don't forget to check out the class page as there are new items for you to consider. Classes fill up fast and are limited to 8 people.

    Superbowl Sunday is this weekend and do you have your project ready to work on?  If not, stop by and see what is available to make the game a bit more enjoyable.  Come in on Saturday and you will find special discounts awaiting you.  

Happy Stitching,





Friday, January 16, 2015

New Items Arriving Shortly

     Well Virginia and I made it home from Phoenix unscathed.  Although a nasty cold caught up with me and I have not been doing well this week. 

    Virginia and I have spent most of the week putting invoices in the computer and trying to get pictures of what is coming in for you to see.  It has been a big job and we are not finished yet.  So I did get a few of the pictures to share with you. What you will see here is no where near what we will be getting in over the next few months. I did bring some things back, so there are new items for you to visit in the shop.  The following pictures are a smattering of what we have coming.




      Stand by for more.

Happy Stitching,


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

On The Road Again . . .

     Virginia and I will be going to The National Needlework Association show this weekend in Phoenix, Az.  We are leaving on Friday and will be back Sunday Evening.  A bit of a whirlwind trip but other commitments require our attention on Monday, so it is what it is. If you have seen anything or just can't live without something in the way of Needlepoint or threads let me know and I will do my best to get it for you. 

     I am going to be taking my laptop with me so I hope to be updating the webpage with pictures of the things we are getting/ordering from the show.  So make sure you check the web page often.

     For those of you who don't know we will be doing the Raymond Crawford Halloween Train starting in February.  There is a stitch guide available in the Needlepoint Now Magazines starting with the Sept/Oct 2024 and going through the Jan/Feb 2015 issues.  We have the two back issues and will be getting the Jan/Feb issue soon.  Nancy will be teaching the class, if you can attend at the shop, she has made some wonderful modifications which could possibly be available as an additional stitch guide. I am including pictures of the Train and the additional pieces that are available. Let me know as soon as you can if you are interested in any of these pieces.


      The end of the month we will be starting the Patchwork of Peace flag.  There are a few more opening in this class if you are interested.  You can see all the particulars on the class page.

     Well I am off for now as I have lots to do to get ready for the show.
Happy Stitching,